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5G at the origin of the coronavirus? A dangerous conspiracy theory

By peoplehotmatch - Sunday, April 19, 2020 No Comments

A conspiracy theory that 5G technology is behind the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has had widespread success in recent weeks on social media. In the UK, the rumor has provoked concrete reactions with vandalized and burnt down 5G antennas as well as harassed workers in the street.

There are several versions of this theory. One claims that 5G electromagnetic waves poison cells in the human body, creating the virus. Another version claims that 5G emits radiation that weakens the immune system and makes people more likely to be infected. Finally, a final theory believes that the virus can "travel" via radio waves and mobile networks, and it is for this reason that it can travel so quickly around the world.

None of these theories are fact-based. Doctors, scientists, virologists and biologists have called them "nonsense".

The World Health Organization said that extensive studies have shown that no side effects on health have been detected as a result of "exposure to wireless technology".

The editorial staff of Observateurs de France 24 examined this conspiracy theory and more particularly one of the key people without its spread: Dr. Thomas Cowan, a controversial American doctor, under surveillance by medical authorities for having prescribed a unauthorized treatment of a woman with cancer.

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